Happy New Year Award
This is another award from Dhemz, thank u very much for giving me this award. This is called Happy New Year Award
These are the rules :
1. You must be a true lover of the New Year to receive this award.
2. The person to whom you give the award must also be in love with the New Year.
3. Post at least five New Year’s Resolutions.
4. If you can’t limit it to five, then continue until you go out of space.
5. Pass the award along to as many bloggers as you like, let your recipients know that you have tagged them by leaving a comment on their site. Also, link back the person who gave you the award.
My New Year's Resolutions :
1. Wake up in the morning more earlier
2. Increase my blogs PR
3. Make more friends from all around the world
4. Making more money from my blogs
5. Think more positively
Now i would like to pass this to :
These are the rules :
1. You must be a true lover of the New Year to receive this award.
2. The person to whom you give the award must also be in love with the New Year.
3. Post at least five New Year’s Resolutions.
4. If you can’t limit it to five, then continue until you go out of space.
5. Pass the award along to as many bloggers as you like, let your recipients know that you have tagged them by leaving a comment on their site. Also, link back the person who gave you the award.
My New Year's Resolutions :
1. Wake up in the morning more earlier
2. Increase my blogs PR
3. Make more friends from all around the world
4. Making more money from my blogs
5. Think more positively
Now i would like to pass this to :
thanks for awardnya yaa...
tp nanti aq pasangnya yaa...ty
wah panen award terus nih ye hehe...
(FLO) ok,deh
(@Coy) iya,nih. Thanx to u,bro. Blog yg ini bisa hidup kembali he he...
memang blog bagus ini harus dikasih award, kalo nggak di kasih, tak cariin wes...hihihhi
Hi there Tripzibit.. Sorry wasn't able to put up the award any sooner. I was not around. However, thanx for the award n for remembering me. Will post it up soon. Hope u're having a good day there!
Hi Tripzibit...pagerank memang perlu sih... tapi aku dah gak kerjar pagerank lagi.Kejar duitnya aja mending.
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