Smile Stone Award
Award ini dari RIP666 & Delia, thanx banget ya...
Here are the rules:
1. Write about 10 Things that Brighten Your Day
2. Put the award logo on your blog
3. Add the link of the person who gave this award
4. Nominate at least 5 person
5. Leave message to the nominees
10 hal yang buat aku seneng tiap harinya :
Now i'm passing this award to :
Here are the rules:
1. Write about 10 Things that Brighten Your Day
2. Put the award logo on your blog
3. Add the link of the person who gave this award
4. Nominate at least 5 person
5. Leave message to the nominees
10 hal yang buat aku seneng tiap harinya :
- Listrik ud nyala lagi, soale dari tadi pagi mati terus (PLN memang payah tenan)
- Hujan udah reda, bisa online lagi
- Pengunjung blog-ku makin bertambah
- Pendapatan dari Google Adsense udah mendekati $100
- Hari ini dapet banyak oleh-oleh makanan dari kakakku yg baru pulang dari Magelang
- Dapet temen-temen baru dari seluruh dunia khususnya yg dari Indonesia
- Dapet ilmu baru dari ber-blogging ria
- Dapet donlot link-nya Gundam 00 season 2 (baru sampe episode 9)
- Bisa reunian sama temen2 kuliah pas ujian CPNS DKP di Tegal (pamitnya sih mo ujian, sampe sana gak belajar malah ngobrol ngalor ngidul he he…)
- Tukul kembali lagi di layar kaca
Nice one. congrats for da award and also thanks for tagging me, I`ll try to do it on my next entry
makasiii award yg ke2nyaa.... Have a nice day....;P
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