Friday, May 1, 2009

How important are back links?

When setting up your website for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on Google there are several factors you need to look at in order to obtain a high rank on their search engine. Of course your content and meta tags must be inline with positive density percentages and reciprocal links. Google then takes your website and performs a mathematic equation and places a numeric value on your website depending on one of the most important features, reciprocal or back links.

A back link and reciprocal link are identical. They both say the same thing to the Google engine, that your site should be ranked higher in the order because other people find value in what your website has to offer, thus they provide a link to your site. In turn, you keep a closed loop by reciprocating the favor to the other website by extending the same courtesy of a back link. Thus creating a solid network connection. Google likes to see interconnectivity and will reward your website well for planning it this way.

There are drawbacks to the equation. As things change a website that you are affiliated with may drop a hyperlink or a page may get accidentally deleted. When the Google robot goes through your website and finds a dead link it notes that you aren’t keeping good care of your website and punishes your web rank by reducing its point value. If you wish to know what your sites current point value is download The Google Toolbar and search for your website in the box and perform a Google web search. Upon reading the full URL, Google will go directly to your site first thus pulling up your home page. There on the toolbar will be a page rank for your website between 1 and 10. 1 being a less visited and noted website and 10 a site that screams traffic 24/7.

Some of the individuals you share reciprocal links with may in fact scan all their links for continuity, should they receive a bounce back for a broken link on your website you can be assured you will receive an email from them. Keeping your website in balance with other sites you share links with will keep the Google engine happy. If you go off and add a company that is not Google friendly, meaning they have no back links you may also lose points.

Written by Jakob Jelling

About the author:
Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.sitetube.comVisit his website for the latest on planning, building, promoting and maintaining websites.


aaLiL BelajarSEO May 2, 2009 at 2:49 AM  

Backlink for me is very important to help PageRank and get more visitor... Good Luck bos... Nice Article... hehehe, bhs english ane ancur...

RiP666 May 2, 2009 at 6:43 AM  

nice post bro...aku jg lagi nyari backlink banyak2 nih weheheh

@ Coy May 2, 2009 at 11:16 AM  

wah semakin puyeng melajari gininan hehe...
Tp terima kasih udah ngasih tahu info yang menarik hehe
bisa nambah ilmu nih....

-delia- May 5, 2009 at 10:25 AM  

shoutbox-nya ilang yah..?? dicari-cari ga nemu.. ngumpet dimana yah..?? :D

Lyla May 6, 2009 at 7:25 PM  

nyari backlink emang gampang2 susah yang paling gampang copas artikel org hehehe.... kyk artikel ku tuh dicopas abis sejudul2nya :D

tripzibit2 May 6, 2009 at 8:27 PM  

(@ aaLiL) its okay, bos. kalo gitu kita jg sama2 lg belajar english hehe..

(@ RiP666) iya nih, gara2 yg ini terlantar. PR-nya zero lagi,kudu nyari backlink nih. Good luck bro :D

(@ @coy) bagi2 infolah, bro. Siapa tau berguna bagi yg laen.

(@ Delia) Iya nih, Del. Emang sengaja diilangin dulu. Lg konsen sama blog-ku yg satunya T_T

(@ Lyla) Iya,mbak. Bener bgt plg gampang copas artikel orang lain..hehe...asal sumbernya dicantumin. Sing sabar ya mbak :)

(@ Bart Tolina) Thanx for visiting my blog :)

Irfan Melodic Nugroho May 7, 2009 at 7:58 AM  

Yes, thanks for making a visit on my blog... Come again and again... keep this friendship

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